Home Team Journal

Home Team Journal Issue No. 7

This special issue of the Home Team Journal shares the story of our Home Team Transformation 2025 journey. It documents how the Home Team has been thinking and working hard to ensure its continued effectiveness in an environment rife with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Through the cover story, we hope our readers will gain a good overview of the driving forces, domains of change, and our envisioned future to continue keeping Singapore safe and secure.                      

Whether it is in the present or the future, terrorism will remain a major challenge for us. Singapore has not been spared from the threat of terrorism since the early days of its independence, with the McDonald House, Laju and SQ117 incidents as reminders that we need to be ever vigilant. Drugs are another long-time scourge. Although there has not been a terrorist attack for many years and the prevalence of drug abuse is low, the safety and security we had worked so hard to achieve is increasingly vulnerable. The articles contributed by the Internal Security Department, the Community Partnership and Communications Group, and the Advocacy Office against Drugs and Crime elucidate the need for our approaches to evolve.

The Home Team Academy is also honoured to feature the contributions of Dr. Paul Gill of the University College London and Dr. Joyce S Pang of the Nanyang Technological University who wrote a joint research piece with the journal’s regular contributors, the Home Team Behavioural Sciences Centre.

When we speak of the future, the role of technology is an inescapable part of the narrative. In this issue, Home Team writers also share our latest innovative applications of technology in safety and security.

Source: Home Team Academy

Published July 2018

Home Team Journal

Home Team Journal Issue No. 7

Published July 2018

Source: Home Team Academy

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