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Home Team Academy Courses


The Home Team Academy conducts courses for Home Team officers, ranging from new entrants to senior management. The courses are designed to enhance participants’ understanding of Home Team, the larger operating environment, leadership development, crisis management, and joint operations.

Find out more about the courses run by HTA.

Foundational and Developmental Programmes

Home Team Foundation Course

This 10-day residential course emphases experiential learning, bringing together officers from all Home Team departments with the aim of strengthening Home Team culture and identity, and building camaraderie among Home Team officers.

It is for new-entrant Home Team senior officers (both uniformed and civilian) within their first year of service.

Step-In Programme for Home Team Civilian Officers

This 5-day course is the first of the three-part civilian milestone programmes aimed at building up a core of competent and effective Home Team officers among the senior civilian workforce.

It is aimed at equipping officers with skills to be effective staff officers and provides opportunities for participants to build ties across the Home Team.

It is for Home Team civilian officers with two to three years of service.

Step-Up Programme for Home Team Civilian Officers

The 5-day programme is the second of the three-part civilian milestone programmes, and is aimed at enabling participants to become effective Home Team Managers who are adept at supporting change, and can lead and develop high performing teams.

It is for mid-career civilian officers who have been appointed as first-line managers.

Leadership Programmes

Phoenix Programme

This 5-week programme is the apex programme in the suite of the Home Team milestone leadership development programmes. The programme aims to broaden leadership perspectives and introspection and enhance top leaders’ proficiency to navigate complexity and change in a dynamic environment. It offers current insights to interpret developments and events from regional and global perspectives for the leaders to drive and oversee organisational transformation, and cultural changes throughout the Home Team.

Home Team Senior Command and Staff Course

The 7-week course aims to prepare Home Team leaders to take on higher or commander or director-level appointments. The course is developed with a view to widen participants’ perspectives, insights and knowledge on governance, socio-political challenges and multifaceted leadership skills necessary to handle today’s complex and challenging public safety and security situation.

Step-Beyond Programme for Home Team Civilian Officers

The 8-day programme is the pinnacle of the three-part civilian milestone programme for senior civilian officers. It is intended to impart insights on what it takes to be:

  • A better Home Team leader who is able to drive and sustain change in the organisation more effectively in the present and the future
  • A nurturing leader who is able to build a great team
  • A partner for success by deepening relationships with fellow leaders for greater collaboration within their departments and across the Home team

It is for officers who have been appointed as middle managers.

Home Team Advanced Leadership Programme

This 10-day course is for officers with responsibilities as assistant directors, officers-in charge or managers. It aims to deepen the understanding of Home Team strategies to meet future challenges, and to reinforce their leadership abilities to lead and drive team performance.

Home Team Leadership Programme

This 7-day course exposes officers holding team leader or staff officer posts to wider Home Team issues and challenges and enhances their leadership abilities to manage teams in the frontline.

Cross-cutting Skills

Cyber and Data Security End User Awareness E-courses

This course equips all Home Team officers with the knowledge to ward off potential Information and Communications Technology (ICT) security threats, and play their part in ensuring strong ICT security and proper usage of ICT services.

Data Analytics Courses

These courses equip Home Team officers at different levels with basic data analytics skills. Participants will appreciate the usefulness and impact of solving problems with data through examples across various agencies within the Singapore Government.

Think, Experience, Design

These courses equip Home Team officers at different levels with basic data analytics skills. Officers learn and appreciate how design methods can be applied to public sector challenges using the ThinkPlace Design System when thinking of tangible solutions.


Specialist Programmes

Introduction to Crisis Management Course (ICMC)

The course seeks to sensitise public officers from all ministries (not involved in emergency preparedness work) to the importance of emergency and crisis preparedness, and the need for coordinated whole-of-government’s response to a crisis.

It will enable participants to appreciate the need to be prepared for crisis, discuss the mitigating actions to minimise adverse effects of a crisis, and to collaborate  efficiently across agencies.

Facilitator-in-Training (FiT) Course

The course which is organised in collaboration with the Civil Service College, equips officers with contemporary adult learning principles, facilitation and collaboration skills to engage learners.

It is for officers seeking emplacement on the Trainers’ Competency Development Roadmap as adjunct trainers.

Upgrading Professionally through Specialist Certificate in Adult Learning Education (UP-SCALE) Programme

The course, organised in collaboration with NIE International, equips Home Team trainers with the latest instructional skills and competencies, helping them to engage their learners more effectively.

It is for Home Team officers aspiring to be emplaced on the Trainers’ Competency Development Roadmap (TCDR) as specialist trainers.

Home Team Simulation System (HTS2) – Instructor

This course provides officers with a good understanding of the HTS2, the roles and responsibilities of an exercise management staff, as well as to experience the planning, preparation and execution processes for exercises using the simulation system.

It is for officers involved in the designing and conducting of an exercise using the HTS2.

Home Team Simulation System (HTS2) – Operator

This course provides officers with the essentials of scenario building, from conceptualisation to ensuring that the scenarios are HTS2 exercise-ready. Officers will also be familiarised with the advanced features and system modules in HTS2, and will be able to provide operator support to the exercise controller during an exercise.

It is for officers involved in the development of HTS2 scenarios and supporting the conduct of an exercise using HTS2.

SUSS-accredited Programmes

Dec 2019 (YIR Timeline)c

HTA works with the respective Home Team Departments to accredit their training courses with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). Through this accreditation process, the Home Team departments will be able to gain academic recognition for the rigour of their training courses

Bachelor in Public Safety and Security

Rolled out in July 2020, the degree programme is developed by SUSS and supported by Ministry Headquarters and HTA.

Through this programme, selected Home Team officers will be equipped with relevant knowledge and skills to meet security needs, as well as intervene effectively in managing and mitigating risks. This will contribute to a safe and secure Singapore.

Certificate in Homefront Safety and Security

The Home Team invests in our most important asset – our people, and strives to meet the aspirations of our officers to upgrade academically. From January 2020, Home Team officers who complete the accredited Home Team courses, along with relevant SUSS continuing education training modules, will receive a certificate in homefront safety and security studies.

They will be able to use the academic credits from the certificate in their pursuit of a part-time degree with SUSS.

International Programmes

International Programme on Crisis Leadership

This programme brings together senior leaders in the Home Team and international law enforcement agencies to exchange knowledge and experiences in crisis management, to strengthen crisis leadership competencies to lead, manage and mitigate a crisis occurrence effectively.

Through the programme participants can glean best practices and techniques to enhance decision-making ability during crises. They also engage in peer-learning and forge networks for future collaboration in crisis mitigation and crisis management.

Participants are by invitation only.

Phoenix International Programme

This programme is a platform for the Home Team and participants from international law enforcement agencies to exchange diverse perspectives and share insights on emerging global safety and security challenges.

Through the programme, participants also gain knowledge on best practices to enhance their capabilities, operational readiness and partnerships to combat security threats. They also engage in peer-learning and forge stronger networks for future collaboration when dealing with transnational security issues.

Participants are by invitation only.

At the moment, HTA’s courses are not open to external subscription.