Oral Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Oral Reply to Parliamentary Question on Assistance and Guidance for Societies with AGMs or Other Governance Meetings Scheduled During the COVID-19 Situation, by Mr Amrin Amin, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health

Published: 07 April 2020


Assoc Prof Walter Theseira: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs whether the Registrar of Societies will assist societies with AGMs or other governance meetings scheduled during the Covid-19 outbreak to (i) waive or modify any requirements in the society's constitution to meet in person to elect officers or determine the society's affairs (ii) waive, modify or delay audit and reporting requirements for societies unable to meet in person to approve their financial and annual statements and (iii) provide guidance on how they can continue to govern their affairs in accordance with applicable regulations during this time.




1. The Government has announced legislation that will allow entities (including societies) to adopt prescribed alternative arrangements so that meetings can be conducted in a manner compliant with the safe distancing measures announced on 24 March 2020. These prescribed alternative measures can be adopted notwithstanding the requirements in the entities’ constitution. They include allowing a meeting to be held by video conferencing or other electronic means, or to be postponed, or for the quorum of a meeting to be reduced.


2. In view of the COVID-19 situation, the Registry of Societies (ROS) will allow societies to adopt such alternative arrangements. ROS will advise societies on the details soon.

