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What is Singapore doing

Singapore takes a serious view of human trafficking. Singapore’s strategy against human trafficking comprises the 4Ps: Prevention, Prosecution, Protection, and Partnerships, where we:

  • “Prevent” such crimes from occurring;
  • “Protect” those who are vulnerable to trafficking;
  • “Prosecute” human traffickers for their heinous crimes;
  • Form “Partnerships” with domestic and international stakeholders to combat human trafficking. 

Read about our efforts and initiatives below:

National Initiatives against Human Trafficking

Read about our national initiatives to deal with human trafficking:


Partnerships against Human Trafficking

Singapore is a party to the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (UN TIP Protocol), which commits ratifying states to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, protecting and assisting victims of trafficking and promoting cooperation among states in order to meet those objectives.

Regionally and globally, Singapore actively participates at anti-TIP platforms to generate awareness amongst the global and regional communities on Singapore’s efforts in combatting TIP. These platforms include:

  • INTERPOL, UNODC and Group of Friends against TIP, to tackle TIP at the global level.
  • ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC),
  • ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC),
  • ASEAN Directors-General of Immigration & Heads of Consular Affairs Meeting (DGICM),
  • Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) on Migratory Flows,
  • Pacific Rim Immigration Intelligence Conference, and
  • Bali Process

Read the details of our recent conferences below.


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