Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Police Operationally-Ready NSmen Called Up for Active Operational Deployment by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law ​

Published: 13 September 2016


Mr Desmond Choo: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what is the percentage of Police Operationally-Ready NSmen called up for active operational deployment over the last three years; and (b) what are the efforts to re-design these NSmen's roles to enhance the police's capabilities.



The percentage of Police Operationally-Ready NSmen (ORNSmen) recalled in the last three years has steadily increased, from 76.9% in 2013, to 77.9% in 2014 and 81.4% in 2015.  Police will call up as many as possible.  Some of the reasons that the NSmen were not recalled include NSmen who were temporarily not deployable pending a review of their medical status, family emergencies or critical work commitments.


Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) and ORNSmen are an integral part of the SPF. In linewith the recommendations of the Committee to Strengthen National Service, Police has been increasing the percentage of NS officers holding leadership and specialist roles. Police developed its NS Transformation Plan in 2014, to better train and deploy NSmen for greater operational effectiveness and offer a more meaningful NS experience.  Under the Police NS Transformation Plan, the roles of NSmen in the following 4 areas were re-designed to enhance Police capabilities:  


a)Community Engagement 

SPF has proactively re-deployed NSFs and NSmen into frontline Community Engagement (CE) roles since May 2016. As CE officers, they undertake duties as part of the NPC Community Policing Units. They undergo training that focuses on essential emergency preparedness knowledge, crowd management and evacuation skills.  They reach out to members of the public to raise awareness on crime prevention and counter-terrorism. The NSFs will perform the same roles back in the same unit when they return as NSmen.


b) Protective Security Command

The Protective Security Command (ProCom) was commissioned as a new Police line unit in July 2016. ProCom will comprise the largest group of Police NSFs and NSmen.  ProCom officers will be trained and deployed to protect key installations in peacetime and national emergency.  They will also be responsible for event security at key national events.


c) Police Land Divisions

Since August 2016, NSmen in the Neighbourhood Police Centres have been re-organised and centralised at the Police Land Division HQs as the Division Special Task Force (DSTF).  DSTF NSmen will be recalled and deployed in sections or troops to enhance camaraderie, as well as command and control. DSTFs will project greater police presence in the heartlands and crime-prone areas.


d) Special Operations Command

Police NS Public Order Troops will be established in the Special Operations Command (SOC) by 2018. These troops will have public order capabilities similar to the Police Tactical Troops (PTTs) comprising regular officers. The NS Public Order Troops will bolster SPF's public order capabilities. These troops can also be deployed for anti-crime patrols or for major events with public order concerns.


SPF's priority in the next few years is to implement the Police NS Transformation Plan well.  Police NS officers can look forward to meaningful roles, more training and development opportunities, new concepts in o


Community Engagement