This year, over 7,000 officers including NSmen from across the Home Team were promoted. Three officers share with us what motivates their commitment to keep Singapore safe and secure.Understanding Criminal MindsDr Jasmin Kaur
Senior Deputy Director (Family Policy Office), Secondment to Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), Singapore Prisons Service (SPS)Studying the psychology of offenders to craft better rehabilitation programmes and policies, and turning lives around is what drives Dr Kaur to push herself to achieve more.
When did you join the Home Team, and why? I joined the Home Team in 2003. As a young impressionable adult with a psychology degree, I was looking for a job where I could practise what I learnt and contribute to society. I stumbled upon SPS’ recruitment campaign and its tagline “Rehab, Renew, Restart” resonated with me.
Please share with us your work in SPS.I covered many psychological functions from clinical work to research for various inmate populations and even policy-making.
When I first started out, I was running a programme for a group of female offenders with personality disorders. It was an eye-opening experience to witness the difficulties they face within the confines of the prison.
I also supported many drug offenders, which sparked my desire to better understand their plight and craft programmes and policies to help them in their journey to abstain from drugs. I was tasked to lead a Drug Workgroup under the Office of Chief Psychologist which aimed to understand and share key psychological evidence behind drug offences.
What’s the most memorable project that you have embarked on in the Home Team?Being part of the team that developed an integrated criminogenic programme that holistically addresses multiple issues faced by certain high-risk offenders, such as drug addiction and violent tendencies. We researched overseas programmes and incorporated best practices from our Canadian counterparts.
What’s the most rewarding experience you’ve had as a Home Team officer?It is the work we do that helps people turn their lives around, uplifting them to see themselves in a different light beyond being beholden to the substances they were addicted to, or the crimes they committed in the past.
Beyond rehabilitation work, I’m glad to be able to share my research with officers from Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) and officers from Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to improve policy-making. This truly makes my work fulfilling, and drives me to push myself to achieve more.
– By Joash Tan
Keeping Casino Free from Criminal InfluenceElaine Chua,
Head of Licensing Division, Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA)Elaine and her licensing team are the gatekeepers to ensure our casinos do not become conduits for money-laundering and illegal activities.
When did you join the Home Team and why?I first joined the Singapore Police Force (SPF) as a civilian officer after graduating in 2006. The job prospects of a Home Affairs Senior Executive (HASE) caught my eye as I wanted a meaningful job where I can contribute to the safety and security of Singapore. Being a HASE offered me many learning opportunities through exposure to a variety of portfolios across the Home Team.
When Singapore’s two casinos opened their doors in late 2010, I was intrigued by the casino industry and joined CRA to protect Singaporeans from the harms of gambling.
What’s your current role?I supervise a team of licensing officers to assess the suitability of applicants who have applied for a Special Employee Licence (SEL) or the renewal of SEL.
We do this to ensure that only suitable persons can work in a casino. This is to prevent our casinos from becoming conduits for criminals to launder criminal proceeds or conduct illicit activities, which could involve collusions with casino employees.
My team also constantly reviews operational policies and processes on licensing matters to improve efficiency and reduce the regulatory burden on our licensees.
Tell us about your most fulfilling experience in CRA.The development and implementation of the new Automated Licence and Permit System (“ALPS”), which transformed our licensing process. The system automates checks against a set of pre-determined criteria, and processes low-risk license applications faster. This allows us to focus our attention on dealing with high-risk or complex regulatory work.
What do you love about your work in the Home Team? Knowing that my daily work plays a part in making Singapore a safe and secure home for my family, friends and fellow Singaporeans - something that should never be taken for granted!
– By Joash Tan
Dedicated to Saving LivesLieutenant Colonel (LTC) Jennyline Fan
Commander, Sentosa Fire Station, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)Prepared to protect and keep Singapore safe, LTC Jennyline Fan is always ready for action.
When did you join the Home Team, and why?I took up the Home Team scholarship and joined SCDF upon graduation in 2012. I wanted a job that is not deskbound and found the work of the Home Team meaningful.
Tell us more about your work as a Commander of Sentosa Fire Station.I manage the day-to-day running of the station together with my team. This includes ensuring the operational readiness of our personnel and appliances as well as building close relationships with stakeholders. I also see my role as a coach to nurture our officers and support them in their professional and personal development.
What’s your most fulfilling experience in the Home Team?Following the tsunami in Palu, Sulawesi in 2018, I was fortunate to be part of the ASEAN-ERAT (Emergency Response and Assessment Team) to provide humanitarian assistance. My duties were to conduct a rapid assessment on the victims’ needs and to facilitate and coordinate humanitarian aid and resources.
It was satisfying to be able to help those who truly needed assistance. I was also touched by the survivors’ resilience and compassion.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learnt in the Home Team?Our safety and security in Singapore cannot be taken for granted. From coming up with emergency response plans, performing daily drills to conducting joint exercises, I can appreciate the massive amount of effort and resources which go into ensuring that our home continues to be safe and secure. – By Dayana Yakob
*Disclaimer: LTC Fan is pictured with her previous rank insignia at the time of the photoshoot.Read
Committed to the Cause (Part 1) &
Committed to the Cause (Part 2)
Home Team Promotion Ceremony 2022Across the Home Team, a total of 7,206 officers are promoted this year, comprising 4,088 regular officers from the Home Team Departments and statutory boards, 3,029 Operationally-Ready National Servicemen (ORNSmen) from the Singapore Police Force and Singapore Civil Defence Force, as well as 89 members from VSC and CDAU. Read the
speech by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, at the Promotion Ceremony.