On Assignment

Industry Spotlight: Innovation x 3

Three security agencies, one singular focus on innovative, tech-based security solutions.
GRAPHIC: Home Team News

Breaking stereotypes of the security industry by embracing technology and offering custom security solutions to clients – that’s what distinguishes this year’s recipients of the Alexander Henson Security Agency of the Year Award. We spoke to the teams behind FormTeam ConsultancyBulls-Eye Security Services and AETOS Guard Services to learn how they are taking the security industry to the next level!

Shared aspirations: Tom Ho (left) and Frankie Pang are founding partners of FormTeam Consultancy. PHOTO: Vivian Moh

Tom Ho and Frankie Pang, Directors, FormTeam Consultancy
Recipient of the Alexander Henson Security Agency of the Year Award (Boutique Firm)

Established in 2008, FormTeam has a senior management team that shares a firm sense of purpose and pride in their work. In recent years, the agency has increasingly offered tech-based solutions in response to outcome-based tenders. 

Tell us more about FormTeam and how it has adopted technology. 
Tom: FormTeam specialises in security management, motor accident survey, crowd control, investigations and bodyguard services. When we first started, we offered physical guarding services only, but as the industry evolves, we’ve moved along with it by incorporating technology into our operations.

Tech upgrade: To enhance its security offerings, FormTeam Consultancy has adopted the use of 24-hour command centres, visitor management systems and body-worn cameras. PHOTOS: FormTeam Consultancy

What makes you proud of the work you do?
Frankie: We take pride in caring for our security officers, from ensuring that they are compensated appropriately and through small acts of gratitude that show we care. 

Tom: Security officers are frontliners who take care of the safety and security of our homes and workplaces. Their contributions are often overlooked by members of the public. Sometimes, a pat on their shoulders, a word of encouragement, remembering their birthdays and giving them a day-off is what they need, and much appreciated.

All together: FormTeam is committed to supporting its officers. PHOTOS: FormTeam Consultancy

What’s one thing you’d like people to know about the security industry?
Frankie: As an agency, and as part of the security industry as a whole, we hope to give people a sense of security, regardless of where they are. Whether they are shopping in a mall or bringing their children to the playground, members of the public should feel assured that there’s someone close-by to ensure their safety.

How do you feel about how the security industry has evolved in recent years? 
Tom: As an agency, we believe that we can’t succeed alone. What it takes for the industry to grow as a whole is to have all stakeholders and partners – the Government, security agencies, security officers and, most importantly, our clients – on-board with having technology integrated into security services. Now that most agencies have adopted technology in their operations, we hope that clients will be more open to this as well.

In sync, on target: Javin (left) and elder brother Jeran are proud to take the agency founded by their father into new waters. PHOTO: Vivian Moh

Jeran Singh, Director; and Javin Singh, Manager, Bulls-Eye Security Services
Recipient of the Alexander Henson Security Agency of the Year Award (Medium Firm)

Bulls-Eye Security Services has sought to address challenges related to manpower by launching future-ready initiatives such as its very own Command Centre and partnerships with industry leaders, as well as helping its officers upgrade their capabilities.

Congratulations to Bulls-Eye Security Services on receiving the Alexander Henson Award. How do you feel about this recognition?
Jeran: We feel very honoured to receive it. We’re second-generation owners of the agency, and this Award is something our entire family takes pride in. It’s a clear validation from the industry that we’re heading in the right direction in terms of incorporating technology (such as video analytics) into the services we offer. 

What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in your technology drive?
Javin: One challenge has been to raise the skill level of our security officers. About five years ago, we implemented a clock-in system into our operations. This requires security officers to use a smartphone app to clock-in at specific locations at a deployment site. 

Although this is commonly deployed at sites now, some of our older officers found it hard to make the technological jump when it was first implemented. I’d personally coached one security officer by walking him through the clock-in process every night, until he mastered it. 

I was heartened by the positive attitude of this officer who was willing to learn and adapt to the technological changes at the workplace. We were very happy to help him as much as we could, and our clients also loved him for his work. This episode showed me that we can accomplish much if we’re willing to keep learning, upgrade ourselves and improve productivity.

PHOTO: Bulls-Eye Security Services

How do you feel about the industry’s transformation drive? 
Jeran: I first joined the security industry in 2006, and it’s been heartening to witness its transformation since then. For example, in the past, security officers weren’t required to undergo extensive training as they are now, and weren’t differentiated according to a rank structure. Officers now are better trained and more highly skilled, and overall industry standards have improved. Knowing how much potential the industry has makes me really excited, and I look forward to helping it grow in the years to come.

What’s your advice for those considering a career in the security industry?
Javin: The younger generation will find that old stereotypes about the industry don’t apply anymore. We now have a range of technological tools to support security officers in their work, and anyone who’s interested in joining this industry should be adaptable to this shift in mindset and capabilities.

It’s during tough times like COVID-19 that we can all see how essential the security industry is. While many industries have taken a hit during these challenging times, the demand for security services has increased.

Alvin Tan of AETOS finds fulfilment in improving the lives of security officers in AETOS. PHOTO: Vivian Moh

Alvin Tan, General Manager, AETOS Guard Services 
Recipient of the Alexander Henson Security Agency of the Year Award (Large Firm)

As one of Singapore’s leading integrated security and safety service providers, AETOS takes a multi-pronged approach to offering a range of security solutions (such as smart technologies) to clients. As General Manager Alvin Tan shares, this comprehensive approach is built on taking care of AETOS’ dedicated team of security officers. 

Congratulations to AETOS for receiving the Alexander Henson Award. How do you feel about this recognition?

We’re delighted. It acknowledges the hard work that our security officers have put in. We’ve been working to upskill our officers and to introduce technology to our clients, and we’re hopeful that this Award will further encourage them to embrace technology in their security operations. 

AETOS has embraced technology in its security operations. PHOTO: AETOS

Share with us AETOS’ aspirations for the security industry.
In the past, security services were often perceived as merely physical guarding. By introducing smart technology (such as video analytics capabilities) to the industry, we hope to change perceptions. It isn’t about having an officer stand guard at a gate, but rather, adopting the appropriate technology and upskilling our officers so that they can be more effective, vigilant and productive. Moving forward, we also hope to reach out to our clients and share how technology can better serve their needs.

On the ground: Alvin meets with AETOS officers regularly to check that they are well, so that they can perform their duties more effectively. PHOTOS: AETOS

What’s something you’d like the public to know about the security industry?
We hope they understand and appreciate the important role that security officers play as guardians of our national security. This was especially clear during COVID-19.

Tell us what keeps you going every day.
It’s making a difference to our security officers on the ground. AETOS is one of the largest security agencies in Singapore, and we need to reach out constantly to get their feedback on how we can do better, for them as well as the agency. That’s what motivates me. Our officers are our vital assets, and we will succeed when they do. 

Singapore Security Industry Awards 2020
Organised by the Security Association Singapore (SAS), the Security Systems Association of Singapore (SSAS) and the Security Industry Institute (SII), the Singapore Security Industry Awards recognise the top security agencies and projects in the industry. Due to the Covid-19 situation, SAS, SSAS and SII recognised the winners on the newly launched Singapore Security Industry Awards website. 

In 2020, the Alexander Henson Security Agency of the Year Award was presented to three agencies that have demonstrated significant capabilities in security solutions that incorporate both manpower and technology – FormTeam Consultancy, Bulls-Eye Security Services, and AETOS Guard Services. 

Click here to read the congratulatory message by Mr Desmond Tan, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment.

Security Industry Transformation Map (SITM)
The SITM was launched in 2018 to transform the private security industry into one that is technologically advanced and which delivers better security outcomes and jobs.

Written by

Vivian Moh


7 January 2021

Science and Technology
Security Industry
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