Oral Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Oral Reply to Parliamentary Question on Prosecution of Hirers of Rental Bicycles by Mr Amrin Amin, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of Health

Published: 03 July 2017



Mr Lim Biow Chuan: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs whether the Government will prosecute hirers of rental bicycles who damage, dismantle or dispose of bicycles illegally or convert them for their own use.




1. Police will conduct an investigation if a case is reported, and a criminal offence is committed. Based on the facts of the case, the Police will consult the Attorney-General's Chambers, who will decide whether to prosecute the persons involved, whether the offender is a hirer or not. This approach is no different from how we deal with other offences. 


2. For example, last month, Police investigated two cases at Jalan Tenteram and Upper Boon Keng, where rental bicycles were thrown from buildings. The person arrested for the Upper Boon Keng case was charged in Court. He was convicted of a rash act, and sentenced to nine weeks jail. For the Jalan Tenteram case, arrest was also made, and investigations are on-going.


3. However, prosecution by itself will not eliminate the problem of misuse or abuse of the rental bicycles. The bicycle rental companies and the hirers have to take responsibility to ensure the appropriate use of rental bicycles.

