Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Persons Detained under the Internal Security Act in the Past 10 Years, by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law

Published: 25 February 2021


Mr Leon Perera: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) how many children and young persons aged 18 years and below and persons between 19 and 25 years old respectively at the time of detention have been detained under the Internal Security Act in the past 10 years; and (b) what is the median number of years the persons in each age group have been detained.



1.    Since 2010, ISD has detained three individuals aged between 16 and 18; and seven individuals aged between 19 and 25; under the Internal Security Act for terrorism-related conduct. 


2.    Of the three individuals aged between 16 and 18, two remain in detention, while the third individual was released on a Restriction Order (RO) after two years in detention. 


3.    Of the seven individuals aged between 19 and 25, two remain in detention, while the rest have been released on RO. They were detained for periods ranging from two to six years.