Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Rehabilitation Programmes for the Different Risk Profiles in the Enhanced Drug Rehabilitation Regime by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law

Published: 07 November 2016


Mr Christopher de Souza: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs what are the differences in rehabilitation programmes for the different risk profiles in the enhanced Drug Rehabilitation Regime implemented in 2014 and how is the effectiveness of the outcome of the rehabilitation regime for the respective risk profiles measured.



The Singapore Prison Service (SPS) introduced the enhanced Drug Rehabilitation Regime in the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (DRC) in 2014.


2. Under the enhanced regime, SPS officers will assess the inmates' risks of re-offending and severity of drug use upon admission.


3. For higher-risk inmates, SPS will assign Correctional Rehabilitation Specialists to conduct high-intensity counselling programmes for them. The counselling programmes address multiple risks and needs, such as criminal thinking and drug addiction issues.


4. Lower-risk inmates will go through lower-intensity intervention programmes, where they learn about the consequences of drug use and pick up skills to prevent relapse.


5. All DRC inmates also undergo general programmes which help them in their reintegration journey. These include family support programmes, employability skills training and religious services.


6. SPS will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the enhanced Drug Rehabilitation Regime. As for the enhanced regime that was only implemented in 2014, the evaluation is still ongoing.


Prisons Management and Rehabilitation