Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Engaging Youths on the Ills of Radicalisation, by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law

Published: 05 April 2021


Ms Joan Pereira: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs how will schools, religious and social organisations involving youths work together to engage them online and offline on the ills of radicalisation.



  1. MHA has been reaching out, under the SGSecure movement, to different groups in the community, including schools, religious groups and social organisations, to raise awareness of terrorism and radicalization.

  2. All schools have a framework to drive SGSecure initiatives. Age-appropriate SGSecure content is incorporated into various materials for students, and assembly talks and mobile exhibitions are conducted by Home Team agencies.

  3. ISD has also been working with schools, institutes of higher learning, and community organisations to conduct counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation outreach activities for students, youths, and educators. These include workshops, talks and seminars. With the COVID-19 pandemic, ISD has leveraged online platforms for its outreach efforts. For example, ISD conducted webinars for educators in institutes of higher learning last year.

  4. Community partners such as the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) and the Inter-Agency Aftercare Group also conduct counter-ideology outreach activities targeted at students and youths. The RRG has been working with schools to organise assembly talks, workshops, as well as learning journeys to the RRG Resource and Counselling Centre. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the RRG has intensified its digital outreach efforts. It produced over 60 online lectures, ‘live’ postings, online engagements and videos for the community, including youths.

  5. Additionally, programmes such as interfaith dialogues and activities, and visits to the Harmony in Diversity Gallery, are conducted to sensitise the public to cultural and religious nuances and sensitivities, as well as to deepen mutual respect and understanding among our different races and religions.

  6. We will continue to leverage these different platforms to engage our youths on the threat of radicalisation.