Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Number of Singaporeans Since 2022 Whose Bank Accounts were Frozen on Law Enforcement Grounds

Published: 22 November 2023


Dr Tan Wu Meng: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) since 2022, how many Singaporeans have had an existing bank account frozen on law enforcement grounds; (b) how many of such individuals have been prevented by the same bank or other banks from opening a second bank account; and (c) what banking solutions are available for such individuals so that they can apply for jobs which require e-payment of salary or access Government support where payments go to a bank account.


Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:

1. The Singapore Police Force (SPF) only freezes bank accounts when there is reason to suspect that they are involved in criminal activities.

2. In 2022, the SPF’s Anti-Scam Command froze more than 16,700 bank accounts which were suspected to be involved in scammers’ operations. SPF does not track whether these bank accounts belonged to Singaporeans or foreigners, the number of bank accounts frozen due to suspected involvement in crimes other than scams, nor the number of individuals whose bank accounts were frozen and they were subsequently prevented from opening other bank accounts.

3. For individuals whose bank accounts are frozen, banks may decide to offer new accounts, but these may come with restricted access to certain facilities, or be subject to enhanced monitoring measures. Such restricted accounts will still meet the basic banking needs of the individuals, including receiving their salaries and Government support. 

4. Banks may decline to offer new accounts, if the individuals concerned are deemed to be of high risk, for example, those who have committed serious crimes such as being involved in the financing of terrorism.

5. Individuals whose bank accounts are frozen can make an application to the courts to withdraw money for reasonable living or legitimate expenses.