
The Woodlands Emergency Preparedness Day - Opening Remarks by Mr Amrin Amin, Parliamentary Secretary for Home Affairs

Published: 05 November 2016

"SGSecure in the Neighbourhood – A Community of Prepared Citizens"




Grassroots Leaders,


1. Thank you for joining us this morning for the Emergency Preparedness Day, or EP Day in short. I am very heartened to see the good turnout and your support of the SGSecure movement.


2. I hope all of you were given a stark reminder of the clear and present danger posed by the terrorist threat through this morning's 'live' exercise. The exercise should give us pause to reflect on our own level of preparedness, whether we know how to respond during an attack, and if we have the skills to help our family and friends.


3. Singapore may be one of the safest countries in the world but we are not immune to the terrorist threat. I am sure you know of the terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels, New York, Indonesia and Malaysia. Apart from deaths and physical injuries, terrorism aims to strike fear and destroy our social harmony. It is important that we stay united and safeguard our social harmony, and stay strong to carry on with our daily lives, if terror strikes here. 


4. We must equip ourselves with skills and knowledge on how we can and should respond in the event of an attack. We can be alert and be vigilant to suspicious persons or items and report it to the authorities through the SGSecure app.


5. You can start now, by downloading the SGSecure app where you can learn about the various advisories – "Run, Hide, Tell" and "Press, Tie, Tell" - and e-learning programmes. By doing so, you are participating in the SGSecure movement.


6. If we all do our part, we can build a Nation of Prepared Citizens that will react quickly and appropriately should an attack occur. This morning's EP Day is one good example where everyone can pick up useful skills and knowledge that can save the lives of your loved ones and friends during an emergency.


7. The Home Team and the People's Association have put together an interesting line-up of activities at this morning's EP Day, from lifesaving skills such basic first aid, CPR-AED, and also how you can download and use the SGSecure mobile app.


8. I would also like to especially thank the Woodlands Community Emergency & Engagement Committee for coming up with an innovative way to reach out to our youths on how they can practice "Run, Hide and Tell" during an attack through the Laser Tag Game. In addition to having fun, I hope participants will also understand how they can apply the knowledge to protect themselves and their family and friends.


9. I am also pleased to launch the SCDF's "I Am Safe" Programme. This is a 15-minute e-learning programme that will equip residents with skills and knowledge on what to do if you were caught in a fire, and how to administer improvised first aid skills. I encourage all of you to sign up for SCDF's hands-on learning programmes that will equip you with more advanced lifesaving skillsets. Such lifesaving skills will be of great benefit during any emergency situation, as you will be able to help those in need prior to the arrival of the SCDF officers.


10. Let me end by thanking all volunteers, residents, grassroots leaders and the People's Association who have worked hard to put together this meaningful event. My appreciation also goes out to the SCDF and SPF officers who have facilitated training for the Woodlands residents and have set up training booths and exhibitions for today's event.


11. Let us pledge our commitment to stay alert to security threats, stay united when terror strikes, and stay strong to bounce back quickly in a crisis.


12. I wish you all a fruitful morning.  Thank you.


Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness